An SEO professional asked John about whether or not certain Google algorithm updates become part of the core updates, and are live in spite of no announcements?
John replied that it’s not a good idea to assume that updates are not live in other regions, just because there hasn’t been a specific announcement of any core update or other update.
Google does not tend to announce every single update that occurs, and updates that are announced individually tend to not be a part of the core updates.
Don’t tie things like the product reviews update to something like a core update.
It’s likely as well that the product reviews update has rolled out to other regions despite there being absolutely no specific announcement of something like this having occurred.
He also added that the goal is always to roll these types of updates out globally, as much as possible for any update that they roll out.
This happens at approximately the 11:15 mark in the video.
John Mueller Hangout Transcript
John 11:15
It’s been a while since the product review update launched in the US, but I haven’t heard anything about other regions. Can updates like this, become part of the core updates and therefore be live theoretically?
John 11:32
I think changes like this, that we tend to announce individually tend not to be part of the core updates. So I wouldn’t tie that to any particular core update. But it’s very possible that this has rolled out in other regions. Usually, we tend to announce bigger updates when they launch and when they launch in just individual regions, we’ll try to mention that just to make sure that people are aware of where they launch. But usually, the goal is really to roll this out globally, as much as possible for pretty much any update that we do. And with that in mind, it’s something where, my estimation is that these kinds of updates have started rolling out in other regions as well and other languages as well.
So I would not assume that just because you haven’t heard any specific announcements saying, “Oh, this is also live in Switzerland,” that it’s not live in Switzerland. Usually, we just start somewhere. And we’d let you know where we started, but it expands over time. There are very few changes where we explicitly call out individual countries and languages when they launch as well.