One SEO professional asked John Mueller on Twitter if inaccurate GSC reporting errors had an impact on their site’s SEO.
John Mueller responded that no, GSC errors do not negatively impact a site’s SEO.
No, it won't affect your site's SEO.
— 🐝 johnmu.xml (personal) 🐝 (@JohnMu) May 21, 2022
They also responded with another question on how to fix it, to which John replied:
Sometimes the reports are a bit slow, there's nothing you can do about that.
— 🐝 johnmu.xml (personal) 🐝 (@JohnMu) May 21, 2022
It can be pretty scary. Picture this scenario: your site’s been doing well for awhile, and you find that one day that you come in, your SEO metrics in Google Search Console are blank.
Or they have dipped significantly more than usual.
Sometimes this is not necessarily an underlying technical issue, but it could just be a reporting bug.
Thankfully, none of these bugs have a negative impact on your overall SEO.
So you can rest easy knowing that, even though your data may be somehow corrupted, your overall SEO is not going to take a negative hit.