One SEO professional asked John Mueller about rich snippets that are showing up in a different language, during the Question and Answer segment of a recent hangout.
Their situation was they have a hotel that shows microformats (a form of embedding structured data within HTML code that results in a rich snippet) in a different language than the organic results.
And their main question: how can they make these rich results show in the same language?
John answered that it’s possible the structured data on the SEO professional’s site is in that language, and that’s what Google is picking up.
This happens at approximately the 35:43 mark in the video.
John Mueller Hangout Transcript
John (Submitted Question) 35:43
In my case, I have a hotel that shows microformats in a different language than the organic results. How can we make them show in the same language?
John (Answer) 35:51
It’s hard to say without an example here. So if you, I don’t know, if you’re here in the Hangout doesn’t look like it, it would be really useful to kind of see what exactly you’re seeing. It might be that the structured data on your page is actually in that language. And that’s what we’re picking it up from. I don’t know where we would otherwise pick up things that we would show in the rich results. But it’s, it will be useful to take a look at an example like this.