Earlier this month, Google announced a brand-new highly advanced and customizable Google Map Markers option.
On the heels of requests to really develop this option, Google introduced a new and more advanced Google Map Marker.
Google explained:
One of our developer community’s top requests is for more advanced marker capabilities that are easy to use. Today, we’re meeting that demand with the Preview release of Advanced Markers for the Maps JavaScript API. Now, you can create highly customized, faster performance markers that provide a richer user experience, showcase your brand, and save time and resources.”
The New Capabilities of Google Map Markers
Google also said that there are several new use cases for the new Google Map Markers. There are also new capabilities.
For one, you can customize the Google Maps red pin.
This is a highly ideal prospect for brands and consumers alike, because brands can now create personalized Google Maps pins that would make their business more easily recognizable on Google Maps.
Also, this helps consumers potentially find that particular business easier than they would have otherwise.
Google said that customizable map markers are one of their most requested features from developers.
Using the new “PinView” class in the Advanced Markers API, it’s possible to change the color, background, icon, and outline of the default red pin directly in the code. And no image is needed for this change.
The Use Cases For the New Google Map Markers
In addition, Google explained that there are also new use cases for these custom map markers.
Firstly, this enables a retailer to change map markers for their brick and mortar locations to a color that better reflects their brand.
Second, a travel company is able to change the icons and colors of things like restaurants, stores, events, and other places surrounding local hotels.
This kind of color change is something that will help make it easier for users to choose their perfect hotel. And this choice could be based on the amenities that surround it.
Also, a logistics company could change the marker color in order to reflect the status of packages for consumers. Or, they could reflect the status of vehicles as changes to the cargo’s delivery path changes in real-time.
SVGs and PNG Support for Custom Markers is Now Available
There is also another option that will help local SEO professionals further customize their Google map markers. This option allows one to use their own image assets, which could be in the form of an icon or a photo.
Google’s web developer documentation has full instructions on how to utilize the Maps JavaScript API.
Thanks to this new ability, you are able to use any image format that’s currently supported by the HTML ‘img’ tag. This includes SVGs and PNGs.
It’s also possible to use CSS in such a way that you can dynamically add style and animate your Advanced Markers. These capabilities include changing the size, position, color, opacity, and more.
The best thing about these Maps changes is that it makes it easier to include dynamic experiences for your map markers in a Google map than it ever used to be.
For example, you can use all of these particular image assets to really deepen your brand identity and image on any Google Map that your customers might access, which can be really powerful for spreading the word about your brand!
Custom Google Map Markers Allows for Contextual, Interactive Experiences
It is also possible to use any custom HTML element that responds to user interactions with the changes to the new Google map markers. And the flexibility of CSS in the development environment can be used to do so.
With these new capabilities, it’s more possible than ever before to create interactive and engaging marker experiences which were difficult to build before. In fact, previously, it would have only been possible through the use of custom overlays that required the complex expense of time, money, and investment in order to see results on this front.
One example of this could be a real estate company who could create markers that show property prices which respond to certain user inputs, which would help display more helpful and comprehensive information about that particular location. This could include something like the square feet, the number of bedrooms and baths, along with the address of the property for sale.
There is Also Improved Accessibility Along With Loading Performance
Compared to traditional markers, the new advanced Google map markers are able to load up to 66 percent faster than the former markers.
Google has also improved the speed of zooming and panning. This also includes the ability to zoom and pan much faster, even with many markers on the map, which is a wonderful performance increase!
In addition to speed, Google has also been working to implement several accessibility improvements. This allows users to better create products that will help people that use keyboard navigation or screen readers. It’s possible to further navigate between markers, drop them, and even drag them, all using a keyboard.
Screen readers can also pick up the marker title, so the marker can default to the accessibility role automatically, which further helps people who are disabled with better access to the new features of these Google maps markers.
With Improvements in Speed, Accessibility, and Functionality, the New Advanced Google Map Markers Are a Winner
With all of these improvements, it’s easy to see why Google is excited about the new Google maps markers implementations.
So are we! There are loads of customization possibilities for local SEO clients with these optimizations, and it can help such clients realize new heights in their local SEO efforts.
From law firms to real estate agents, it really is possible to see significant benefit from these new features as a result.
When are you going to use the new advanced Google map markers?