On Twitter, SEO professional Brodie Clark posed the following poll to SEO pros worldwide.
The poll discussed the question: “If you’re selling SEO services, it is important that your own website has good SEO.”
He posted the poll on both Twitter and LinkedIn, with very little disparagement between the different polling responses.
More than 1,000 responses are in the thread, and it appears that the majority of SEO professionals agree that your site must have great SEO in order to be considered for hiring for SEO services by a client.
If you’re selling SEO as a service, it is important that your own website has good SEO.
— Brodie Clark (@brodieseo) May 12, 2022
Here are a few of the interesting comments from the Twitter thread:
My answer isn’t there. I don’t have a website cuz someone would evaluate me based on the SEO & I don’t have time to do that bec I’m working for clients. So I am going to put up a website & it’s going to have a disclaimer it is not meant to rank for SEO. Cobbler/Shoes 😜
I feel this! I have a website for my fiction work but between my last job that destroyed my soul and my new role in digital marketing (which I’m still learning) I don’t have time to sort it out. I felt really conscious when my employer asked to see it but they loved it aha
Disagree. Not a bragging point by any means but I didn’t change my website from the day I launched for almost 2 years.
As an SEO business, my website is more of a landing page for those aware of me or my company. I’m not necessarily trying to attract a bunch of leads via search
Malte Landwehr:
100% disagree.
By the way, the best converting landing page for an SEO agency is one that only says “We are busy working for our clients. Not taking any new clients at the moment.” and then you have to click on their imprint to get in touch.
I am not into selling services. But I can suggest you go with these 4 basic elements:
🔹Personalization. (Say no to generic pitches)
🔹Compelling offer. (Price : value)
🔹Social Proof. (Show your authority)
🔹Math. (Data, Analysis, Cost, ROI)
You can find the full thread here over on Twitter.