One SEO professional asked John Mueller during the submitted Question and Answer segment about AMP articles.
Their question was: they have a search appearance filter that shows AMP articles that appear in search.
But, the URLs that appear under an article filter are non-AMP URLs.
Does Search Console show the canonical for these URLs, or is it a reporting issue?
John explained that in Search Console, they do try and show the canonical URls in the performance report.
It’s not 100 percent perfect, because there are certain kinds of URLs that they report on slightly differently.
But, they do try and show, for the most part, the canonical URls. So they would not be surprised if they see the canonical URL in the general performance report on AMP.
John believes that there’s also a separate AMP report, which they can double check on, but he is not sure that there is…he’s a little confused.
But, this may also be one place to check. In any case, John would not see it as an issue on their side, if they are showing canonical URLs. That’s how they WANT Search Console to do it.
Again, however, it’s not 100 percent consistent because for some types of search appearances, Google does show the way they show them, which may also include the hash in the URL for including a link to a specific section of a page.
This happens at approximately the 38:16 mark in the video.
John Mueller Hangout Transcript
John (Submitted Question) 38:16
Let’s see: In Search Console, we have a search appearance filter that shows AMP articles that appear in search. That’s all fine. But the URLs that appear under AMP Article Filter are non-AMP URLs. Does Search Console show the canonical for those URLs, or is this a reporting issue?
John (Answer) 38:34
So in general, in Search Console, we do try to show the canonical URLs in the performance report. It’s not 100 percent perfect, because there’s certain kinds of URLs that we report on slightly differently. But we do try to show for the most part, the canonical URL. So I would not be surprised if you see the canonical URL in the general performance report on AMP. I believe there’s also a separate AMP report, which you can double check, but I’m not sure that there are not–I don’t know, confused right now.
But that might also be one place to check. But in any case, I would not see that as kind of an issue on your side. If we’re showing the canonical URLs there, that’s kind of the way we want it to do that in Search Console. And, again, it’s not it’s not 100 percent consistent, because some types of search appearances, we show the way that we show them. Sometimes they also include the hash in the URL for kind of including a link to a specific section of a page. So it’s, I would say to a large part canonical but not 100 percent sure.