In the latest episode of Ask an SEO, Brian Harnish talks about what a competition analysis is and why it’s important to your SEO efforts.
You can watch the video below:
Episode 25: What is a Competition Analysis Transcript
Brian Harnish 0:14
Hello, and welcome to Ask an SEO episode 25. Today’s question is: what is a competition analysis? Well, the competition analysis in SEO is where you are analyzing your organic competitors for the things that you can do in the search results to actually beat them.
So when you’re analyzing your competitors, you want to do things like look at the content, the length, the code, the overall website quality, and see exactly what they are doing in order to get where they are in those results, right?
So you would want to take a look at that and figure out exactly what you would want to do in order to beat them. Now, how do you beat them? That’s by becoming one of the most, I would say, it’s not necessarily about becoming the longest piece of content among your competitors, but more about the quality of your content and how it addresses the topic and how it addresses user intent in terms of that particular topic.
So that’s what you’re attempting to find out with competitor analysis: exactly what your competition is doing in order to get their site at the top of the search results.
Alright, that’s it for today’s Ask an SEO episode 25. This is Brian Harnish signing off.
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