In this post, we present the latest episode of our video series: Ask an SEO. In this episode, Brian Harnish talks content marketing vs SEO: is it really true that if you’re a good content marketer you don’t need SEO?
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Ask An SEO Episode 2: Content Marketing vs. SEO – Transcript
You can also read the transcript from the episode below:
Today’s question comes from Tanzeela.
SEO professionals: please justify the following statement.
“SEO is a piece of cake if you are good at content marketing.”
Well, let’s take a look at that a bit further, right?
So content marketing is a means to an end, which means that content marketing, for example, is focused on the promotion of content.
SEO is the broader term, which is focused on the promotion of content as well as its optimization.
So the content marketing in this example is a means to an end.
So let’s take a look at another analogy.
“Being a handyman is a piece of cake if you’re good with a hammer.”
That’s a tall statement, right?
Because in order to be an effective handyman, you have to have a comprehensive knowledge of all the various tools involved, along with a whole bunch of other different concepts.
It’s not just about how you use a hammer.
Same thing with SEO.
It’s not just about how well you do content marketing.
It’s about how well you know things like content writing and technical SEO and link building.
All of these work together to form the cohesive base of SEO concepts.
And, to examine this further…
A car with a bad engine is not going to go very far right?
The same thing with SEO.
If you have a website that is not crawlable or indexable due to bad technical SEO, it’s not going to go anywhere in the results department, right?
So think of technical SEO as the engine in this case.
That’s it for today’s “Ask An SEO” Question.
This is Brian Harnish signing off.
Have a great day!