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Ask an SEO Episode 1 – Is There a Limit to Internal Linking for an Article? – Transcript
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Today’s question comes from Sarah and she asks:
Is there any limit to internal linking for an article?
Well, there are a couple of schools of thought on the topic.
The first thing is that Google doesn’t consider all links crawlable.
You have to use AHREF-based links, non-JavaScript based links and so on.
Because if you’re not careful about how you code JavaScript links on your site, you can inadvertently make them appear invisible to Google.
The other example are jumplinks.
For jumplinks that are coded in their native format (#jumplinks) pound sign jumplinks, these are not considered resolvable URLs, according to Google’s Web Developer Documentation on the topic.
Instead, they would need to be a fully qualified URL such as https://iloveseo.com/page-name#section-on-page.
The other consideration is the “Oh my God! Could they have possibly added any more links into this article?” If you’re stuffing links into every other keyword, you probably don’t want to do that.
Instead, so long as your links appear useful to the user, are of high quality you should be just fine.
That’s it for today’s “Ask an SEO” question, this is Brian Harnish signing off.
Have a great day!