In episode 12 of Ask An SEO, Brian Harnish talks about the differences between markup languages and programming languages.
And why markup languages are not real programming languages.
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Ask an SEO Episode 12 Transcript
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Today’s question is, what is the difference between HTML and programming languages like Java and C++?
That is a great question.
So HTML belongs to a group of languages called markup languages.
These types of languages purely govern the display of a layout on a web page.
And that’s all it does.
And programming languages like Java and C++, for example, they have to be compiled into the form of a module in machine readable…
…code. By itself, the machine is not going to be able to read that code.
That’s why a compilation process has to take place.
Once it’s compiled, the machine can then run the program and accomplish whatever task the program has been asked to do.
And that is the main difference between a markup language and a programming language.
So it’s very important not to confuse the two when talking about them.
That’s it for today’s Ask an SEO Episode 12.
This is Brian Harnish, signing off.
Please be sure to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel for a brand new episode every week.
Have a great day!!